A congressional-level servant leader for Florida's 12th.
Gus Bilirakis is a dedicated public servant, member of Congress representing Florida's 12th District in the United States House of Representatives. First elected in 2007, he is a Republican who has stood up for the people of his district by fighting on behalf of our nation's heroes and local families, pushing for legislation benefitting communities all over Central and Western Florida. Bilirakis has earned a reputation as a work horse, dutifully serving the people of his district by proving to be an effective leader who focuses on creating quality of life and prosperity for the citizens in our district and across this great nation.
Early Life and Background
The son of a public servant, Gus Bilirakis was born in the Tampa Bay area on February 8, 1963. Gus, following in the footsteps of his father Michael Bilirakis who represented Florida's 9th District for 24 years as a U.S. Gus Bilirakis — Graduated from the University of Florida; law degree, Stetson University College of Law.
Bilirakis was a lawyer before entering politics, which gives him a solid understanding of law and policy. Having background in law has shaped a lot of his legislative methods and guided him through certain issues in Congress.
Political Career
Gus Bilirakis has served in Congress since 2006, following his father, who left public service. As a congressman, Bilirakis has worked tirelessly to represent his district — portions of Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties. He is dedicated to serving the people of Florida and does everything in his power to tackle the issues that are most important to them.
Legislative Priorities
During his tenure, Gus Bilirakis has concentrated on a number of issues: veterans’ affairs, healthcare and national security, as well as job growth. He is sitting on a number of committees where he has been an advocate for both his constituents and the state of Florida.
Veterans' Affairs: Bilirakis prides himself as a longtime champion for veterans. He is the son of a servicemember in the armed forces and knows the need to support our service members. He has fought to expand veteran access to healthcare and make sure they receive the services and care that all veterans should receive. Bilirakis has also worked on reducing the claims backlog at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and improving veterans' access to mental health services.
Healthcare: As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Bilirakis has had an inside track on issues pertaining to healthcare. Protecting affordable healthcare is something he cares about deeply, including fighting against regulations that raise costs with little benefit. On his campaign issues like reducing prices on prescription medication and access to health care services for families, he has been vocal.
Economy and Jobs: Bilirakis has been a proponent of the Florida economy by supporting small business initiatives to create jobs and building a competitive workforce. His push for tax reforms has helped to lower the burden on both families and businesses through limited government, and funding that helps expand workforce development and job training programs.
National Security and Foreign Affairs: Bilirakis is a strong supporter of national security and foreign affairs. He has voted for funding to increase the capacity of the U.S. military, enforce immigration laws and face global terrorists. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he fights for policies that strengthen American interests at home and abroad.
Participation in Community Events and Volunteering
Bilirakis has always had a close tie to his constituents. He holds frequent town halls in which he hears from constituents and reports on his work in Congress. His office stands ready to assist residents with anything from social security and veterans′ services, and make sure the residents of Florida have their voices heard on Capitol Hill.
But Bilirakis doesn't stop there — engaged in local charities, educational initiatives and community engagements, bureaucratic aspects are only one part of how he does outreach. He has become a national political figure since they trust and respect him for his work in the community.
Personal Life
Gus Bilirakis has a wife named Eva and two children. He's still down-to-earth with faith and morals, and benefits the country bred on a sense of obligation to his family, his community, and his country.